After testing the DALI RUBICON 5, wanted to test something smaller and more budget friendly. They therefore tested the DALI MENUET.
The verdict after the test is that “The sound […] was clear, musical and focused”. And they “possess a level of balance and refinement that I was not expecting from speakers designed to be wall mounted or placed close against a wall.”
“They are also, to my ears, quite truthful speakers and not coloured to make up for their lack of stature. They manage to deliver precision and balance whilst, at the same time, producing a rhythmic and engaging quality that makes listening to music fun and enjoyable,” the reviewer continues. Furthermore, he says that “I do feel that the mid-range is a little forward on the MENUETs but it is so articulate and expressive I think that this gives them a great character.”
The review is concluded with: “The Dali MENUET speakers have character along with articulate mids, detailed highs and tight, tuneful lows.”
The full review is available at