Here you will find information about all the discontinued 150 -850 speakers and their specifications.

DALI 850
"DALI's leading edge engineering, critical component selection and in-house assembly of cabinets and crossovers all come together in the DALI 850, with an exciting combination of attractive aesthetics and exceptional sonic performance and outstanding power handling which immediately establish the DALI 850 at the head of its class.
DALI 810
The DALI 810 is the best of both worlds; the flash and power to match contemporary popular music and the delicacy to suit classical genres from solo recitals to the full majesty of a symphony orchestra.
DALI 710
The DALI 710 is and even – handed speaker which reproduces the signal exactly as it is. With equipment of high quality, the DALI 710 offers the opportunity to enjoy new levels of music realism in the home with sweet and open treble, low coloration levels and unrestrained speed and dynamics.
DALI 700
The DALI 700 is a floor-standing loudspeaker which offers the serious music lover the opportunity to enjoy new levels of musical realism in the home with sweet and open treble, low colorations levels and unrestrained speed and dynamics
DALI 450
The DALI 450 excels in every aspect of musical performance thanks to the intensive efforts of the DALI research and development staff. Custom-built close-tolerance drivers contribute to the neutrality and transparency of the DALI 450, an amplifier-friendly, efficient floor-standing loudspeaker designed to blend in effortlessly in modern interiors.
DALI 400
The DALI 400 is a slim and elegant floor-standing loudspeaker, capable of neutral reproduction of both popular and classical music at realistic levels. Specific areas in which the DALI 400 excels, includes the precise reproduction of dynamics and the rendering of a large realistic soundstage.
DALI 350
The DALI 350, an attractive floor-standing loudspeaker finished in real-wood veneer, delivers an unprecedented level of performance for a speaker of such modest dimensions in the key areas of neutrality, musicality, bass and dynamics
DALI 310
The forte of the DALI 310 is the ability to visualize the various positions of instruments and vocalists with excellent precision. To achieve this, the DALI 310 incorporates such essential DALI technology as our special low-loss surround, and our exclusive Linear Directivity crossover.
DALI 300
The design goal of the DALI 300 was to create a quality loudspeaker of relatively modest dimensions capable of accurate, neutral reproduction without sacrificing the indefinable quality of “musicality” in the DALI 300
DALI 150
In spite of low frequency limitations, compact loudspeakers possess certain acoustical advantages. Specifically, a small front baffle with closely arrayed drivers more nearly approximates the ideal point source, with low and high frequencies apparently emanating from the same point, so that all frequencies arrive at the ear simultaneously.