After their first meeting with the DALI SPEKTOR series, the Polish AV magazine, Audio Video, were quite pleased.
Take-out from the review:
"The SPEKTOR's appeared to be interesting loudspeakers: truly worthy an audition and purchase on basis of well set-up stereo or multichannel sound system. They will deliver fresh, spacious sound with wide soundstage, good depth as well as deep, well controlled low frequencies." The reviewer thinks that the "Complete 5.0 system (6/1/Vokal) represents good or even better value for money"
"Miniature SPEKTOR 1's are the true stars in this setup. As surround speakers, in most cases, they will not be fully appreciated, however as stereo hi-fi speakers taken off a shelf and put on a pair of stands, they truly come alive and show what they are capable of. You will be truly amazed!“
The full review is available here (in Polish).