Having tested many great speakers, the reviewer from Stereophile, John Atkinson, didn’t know what to expect when having his first meeting with the RUBICON 8. The RUBICON 8 indeed overcame his expectations, and is highly recommended due to its clear, clean and uncolored sound performance.
Here are some take-outs from the review:
“[…] as the RUBICON 8s look extremely elegant without the grilles, I left them off for my listening.”
“In fact, the RUBICON 8s reproduction of the top octaves was superb.”
“[…] and the piano sounds a little more characterful in the upper midrange than I was expecting from hearing the piano live.”
“With all recordings I played, the RUBICON 8s threw a solid, well-defined, impressively stable soundstage, with precise layering of image depth.”
“DALI’s clear, clean, uncolored RUBICON 8 joins that group of high-performance loudspeakers, each of which shines light on the music from a slightly different direction, and all of which are highly recommended.”
The full review is available at stereophile.com.