Tom Jones - Did Trouble Me (Susan M. Werner)
From the album "Praise & Blame" (2010)
Label: Island Records/Second OUt Production
Tom Jones' website:
Tom Jones
“We wanted to go back to basics, go back to the source, it was just me singing live with a rhythm section - no overdubbing, no gimmicks, no complicated horn and string arrangements, just get the song down in an
entire take, capture the meaning of the song, its spirituality, its life, and capture that moment, right there. And I think that’s what we’ve done,” says Tom Jones, the 75 year old singer from Wales, describing ‘Praise and Blame’, his 2010 follow up to 2008’s acclaimed ‘24 Hours’ and quite simply his finest work to date. “I’m immensely proud of what we’ve achieved here,” he continues, “It’s such a natural, honest record. And it’s a record that makes you think.”
Did Trouble Me shows the authenticity of his masculine, dynamic voice, the clean and deep soundstage gives the feeling of a track recorded live in the studio. Pay attention to the uncompressed voice - a recording many recording technicians could learn from these days. Note the dry sound of the drums entering the track after approximately 1 minute. We chose this track because it is a fine recording of an amazing musical performance – in fact the whole album deserves a listen with many nice tracks, most of them really well recorded. Tom describes the album as “Food for thought, it’s real, it’s natural, and in that sense it’s truly me.” We think after you give ‘Praise And Blame’ a listen you’ll totally agree.