A DALI SUB E-9 F bemutatása egy új teljesítményszint elérését jelenti az ezen kategóriájú mélynyomóknál!
Az új DALI mélynyomó tartalmaz egy 9 "-es mélyhangszórót, mely képes nagy mennyiségű levegő erőteljes és precíz megmozgatására.
A membrán tiszta alumíniumból készült a maximális merevség és az ildomos külső elérésének céljából. Továbbá, a nagyteljesítményű mágnes rendszer egy hatalmas, 4 rétegű, hosszú löketű hangtekercset kezel.
Mindent összevetve, a "meghajtó-rendszer" nagyteljesítményű képességei garantálják, hogy a mélyhangszóró mindig követi a jelet az erősítőből!
Ennek a mélynyomónak a szíve a 170W RMS D osztályú rendkívül lineáris átvitelű erősítő. Egy klasszikus DALI védjegyként működve az AV rendszer alacsony frekvenciájú bővítéseként használható. Az eredmény egy nagy teljesítményű, kiegyensúlyozott basszus hangzás és hibátlan integráció a hangszórókkal. Ezenkívül a beépített erőhatároló segít megvédeni a mélynyomót a túlterhelés ellen. Az LFE vagy LINE bemeneti lehetőségekkel a mélynyomó könnyedséggel összekapcsolható bármely AV rendszerrel.
A SUB E-9 F hátlapján találhatóak az erősítés (hangerő), abszolút polaritás (fázis) és levágási frekvencia beállítását szolgáló vezérlők, míg a be-/kikapcsolás funkció automatikusan működik jeldetektálásra.
A SUB E-9 F-et a padló felett egy kúp alakú gumi láb tartja, míg a lefelé sugárzó basszus port lehetővé teszi az elhelyezését közvetlenül a fal mellé.
A DALI SUB E-9 F ajánlott kiegészítője a KUBIK FREE, valamint a ZENSOR és FAZON széria kompakt modelljeinek. Ezenfelül kompatibilis az összes DALI hangszóróval, mint a DALI sztereó illetve surround rendszer alkotóeleme.
The integrated 170 Watt RMS Class D amplifier is a highly linear construction. The DALI SUB E-9 F will follow and render the required signal with an absolute minimum of bias. Designed not only for continuous power, but also for peak power, this subwoofer is able to deliver 220 Watt Peak Power. This is very relevant when it comes to both movie and music signals.
Switchmode power supply is part of the reason for very low power consumption - only 0.4 Watt in stand-by mode. And the amplifier displays an impressive efficiency of 70%. In unison the high-efficiency amplifier section and power supply construction generate an absolute minimum of heat loss. For that reason you will find no external heat sink on this subwoofer.
To improve sound reproduction in general, and to ensure that this subwoofer is able to perform under difficult circumstances, a limiter has been incorporated in the amplifier section.
The integrated limiter works in two areas: It compares the input signal amplitude to the potential output signal level, and it compares the available supply voltage from the power supply to the expected output signal. If any of these comparisons show that there will be a problem then the limiter will cut the signal in a soft manner and without affecting peak power.
Fitted with controls for gain, cut-off frequency, and phase, the DALI SUB E-9 F will adapt to any front speaker and room acoustics. And with a choice of LFE and LINE inputs it can be connected to almost any
The DALI SUB E-9 F incorporates an aluminium cone woofer. This stiff, yet lightweight, material was chosen to ensure a greater transient response as you would normally expect from a subwoofer in this category. Very much in line with DALI’s philosophy in building speakers, the ability to start and stop very quickly enables easy integration with the front speakers.
Designed to be a closed cone you will find no dust cap. Instead it is an integrated part of the cone itself. This is also a contributing factor in ensuring a piston-like behaviour. Consequently distortion is kept to an absolute minimum – especially in the low frequency area which is where the subwoofer operates.
The engine of the woofer is built around an ‘oversized’ ferrite magnet, and optimized for maximum flux within the voice coil gap. The reason is that it was crucial for the project team to reach a high B/L product to enable the SUB E-9 F to render the finer low frequency details of music, also at a higher sound pressure level. The measured B/L value of 14 N/Ampere is a good indication of the level of control and precision that was reached, and rarely to be found in this category at all. And the numerous listening sessions has truly convinced us that this was the right way to go.
Adhering to the low-loss sound design principle, the surround of the woofer is built to allow long and linear excursion. The oversized suspension is designed to allow both weak and strong transients to turn into undistorted acoustic signals.
Built on almost 30 years of knowledge in acoustics and cabinets, the solid MDF cabinet abides the tough DALI specifications.The enclosure comes in a choice of Black Ash and White laminate finishes - with an updated front baffle in mat satin finish.
The entire cabinet is effectively decoupled from the floor by means of four polymer based oversized spikes. Appearing to hover above the floor the distance of 30 mm eliminates any potential turbulence from the space between the cabinet and the floor itself. Still, the proximity to the floor ensures that the benefit of having a down-firing vent is maintained; a higher efficiency and more freedom in positioning.
Any risk of port noise derived from the down-firing bass vent itself is seriously reduced by its convex tapered design. Apart from the shape of the flares the vent has also undergone extensive testing, measuring and listening when it comes to dimensions and placement, in order to optimize interaction with the cabinet and woofer.