A DALI OPTICON 2 már a második kompaktméretű állványra helyezhető lehetőség, ami erőteljesebb az OPTICON 1-nél és egy jelentős 6½-es kis veszteségű Wood Fibre mélysugárzót és egy 28 mm-es ultra-könnyű lágy dóm magassugárzót magába foglaló megoldás, hogy ez zeneileg felrázza és kicsivel több erőt biztosítson a partinak. A 6 ½ hüvelykes mélysugárzó és a nagyobb térfogatú hangfaldoboz ezt a hangszórót egy igazi 2-utas kompakt előadóművésszé varázsolják. A mélynyomó mérete illeszkedik a nagy 28 mm-es lágy dóm magassugárzóhoz, hogy minden részletet át tudjon adni az audio jelben.
Megfelelően megtervezett hogy minden, a zenében rejlő árnyalatot át tudjon adni, és a DALI egyedülálló SMC (Soft Magnetic Compound) mágneses motor rendszer használatával (ezt eredetileg az EPICON sorozat számára tervezték) a hang szinte teljesen torzításmentes az SMC alacsony szintű elektromos vezetőképességének köszönhetően. Az egyetlen amit elvárhat tőle az egy dinamikus, jól definiált és erőteljes hangvisszaadás..
Elérhető a feltűnő fehér matt szatén, fekete és dió felületekkel és magas fényű fehér vagy fekete előlap lemezzel; az OPTICON 2 egy kis méretű, de nagy teljesítményű tökéletesség.
Az OPTICON 2 funkciói között megtalálhatók a zászlóshajós EPICON sorozatot jellemző alacsony veszteségű Wood Fibre Mélysugárzók, az egyedülálló SMC (Soft Magnetic Compound) mágneses motor rendszer és a RUBICON sorozatbeli hibrid magassugárzó modul, melyek mindegyike egymással együttműködik beleértve minden egyes mélysugárzó egyéni bass reflex portját, melynek célja pontosan olyan hangot előállítani mint amit a zenész eredetileg megálmodott.
Főbb jellemzők
- Szabadalmaztatott DALI magassugárzók és mélynyomók
- Kézzel összeszerelt hangdobozok
- Egyedi SMC-alapú mágnes motor rendszer
- Alacsony veszteségű Wood Fibre Mélysugárzók
- Ultra könnyű 28 mm-es lágy dóm magassugárzó
- Aranyozott Terminál
- Elérhető a matt fehér szatén, fekete és dió színben
The OPTICON 2 relies on the bass reflex principle. The bass reflex port has been tuned to minimize distortion from the woofers, and to control the time response of the roll-off from the bass system.
Timing is the absolute keyword when tuning bass ports. Correct timing without any unwanted interaction between the drivers and frequencies creates a holographic soundstage. Research clearly shows that speakers with superior time coherence deliver enhanced sonic realism.
Soft Magnetic Compound (SMC) is a coated magnet granule that can be shaped into any form that you would want. SMC has many advantages, and used in a speakers magnet motor system it result in a significant reduction of distortion from mechanical loss.
SMC’s unique ability to deliver a high magnetic conductivity and a very low electrical conductivity delivers all the wanted qualities of a really good speaker magnet without the traditional downsides. The result is a significant lowering of the colouration of the reproduced sound.
In the OPTICON 2 woofer magnet motor system the pole piece is purely constructed of SMC. This important addition to the ferrite based motor system is paramount to the audio performance of the OPTICON series.
The OPTICON 2 makes use of a larger Soft Dome Tweeter compared to the OPTICON 1. The soft dome is developed for the OPTICON series, which features low resonance frequency, high power handling, and exceptional headroom for high sound pressure levels and extreme excursions. It is rolled in carefully around 2.0 - 2.5 kHz, depending on the model. And the dome is allowed to operate up to its high frequency limit well beyond 20 kHz without being rolled off in the crossover.
Incorporating an ultra-thin magnetic fluid for cooling, the fluid has a very high flux saturation point for greater power handling. This also means superb control of coil movement - even at very high sound pressure levels.
The dome material itself is very lightweight, and actually so thin that a coating has to be applied to hold the material together and uniform.
The woofer for the OPTICON 2 is designed with a strong focus on DALI sound principles of low-loss, low distortion and low colouration of the reproduced sound. The ideal speaker plays just what the amplifier intented, with nothing added and nothing subtracted.
To meet these ideals every part in the OPTICON woofer is carefully chosen for its low-loss abilities. The cone is made from a pulp mix of paper and wood fibre that ensures very low surface resonance and gives the cones their distinctive colour. The cone terminates in a rubber surround that is chosen for its soft and very flexible properties. This gives the cone free movement with very low dampening effect, and leaves control of the cone movement to the WOOFER magnet motor. The rubber surround is attached to an aluminium chassis that, due to the properties of aluminium, offers almost no interference to the magnetic field surrounding the magnet motor.
The magnet motor itself consists of a large ferrite magnet that surrounds a pole piece made entirely of the unique material SMC. The pole piece and the ferrite magnet are secured between two soft iron plates. This forms a close to optimum environment for the 2 layer voice coil to work within. The voice coil is therefore able to transform the signals from the amplifier in to an undistorted, uncoloured and very well timed reproduction of the original signal, leaving the listener with a close to live experience.
Keeping the manufacturing of the OPTICON series firmly in the hands of DALI we utilize our large and efficient woodworking facility in Denmark to handle everything from cutting out the Medium Density Fibre board (MDF) cabinet to applying the vinyl. The mounting of the drivers and the final tests and approvals on each and every speaker is also handled directly at our own assembly lines in our Danish factory.
The OPTICON 2’s front baffle form a rigid base for the drivers, which are screw-mounted directly into the 25 mm thick MDF. To ensure the best possible hold on the woofer and thereby integration with the cabinet, the 5 screw holes are placed along the arms of the woofer chassis. The tweeter module is held securely in place with 6 screws to eliminate vibrations and resonance. A rubber gasket is placed between the woofer and the milled out rim to ensure a 100% airtight fixture.
The baffle sports a black or white high-gloss finish, for a more exclusive look and feel. The slim-line design of the front baffle contributes to the stereo perspective. And the ‘clean’ surface is not only pleasing to the eye; it reduces diffractions to an absolute minimum.