A DALI KUBIK XTRA az új aktív DALI KUBIK FREE passzív testvére. Azáltal, hogy a KUBIK XTRA megjelent, Ön megtoldhatja a hangélményét egy valódi sztereó teljesítménnyel.
A KUBIK rendszer két elemből áll - a KUBIK FREE-ből és a KUBIK XTRA-ból. A két komponens három különböző módon telepíthető: A KUBIK FREE, mint saját önálló hangsugárzó is lehet, a KUBIK FREE és a KUBIK XTRA együtt egy sztereó rendszerként használhazó, vagy pedig használhatja a KUBIK FREE-t és a KUBIK XTRA-t együtt, két külön szobában önálló rendszerként.
A KUBIK rendszer fejlesztésénél a DALI arra összpontosított, hogy egy nagyon könnyen használható, bonyolult beállításoktól mentes és egyben a lehető legrugalmasabb rendszert építsen fel. Egyszerűen mondva, a DALI egy olyan aktív hangszórót szeretett volna felépíteni, ami már a kibontást követő egy percen belül működni fog, egy olyan aktív hangszórót, amely egy életre szól majd.
A KUBIK XTRA csatlakoztatása
A KUBIK XTRA csatlakoztatása a KUBIK FREE alján található csatlakozón keresztül történik. A 6 vezetékes csatlakozó kábel átadja a jelet a mélysugárzónak és magassugárzó modulnak kihasználva a KUBIK FREE aktív keresztváltóját, és táplálja a LED kijelzőt hogy az Ön számára könnyen hozzáférhetővé váljon a KUBIK rendszer állapotának vizuális ellenőrzése.
Hangsugárzó rács színek
A szokásos "alapcsomagolású" hangsugárzó rács színek a KUBIK FREE és a KUBIK XTRA-nál a klasszikus "DALI piros", fekete, vagy fehér. Ezenfelül Ön választhat a 6 divatos színű cserélhető hangfalselyem közül. A teljes színskála megtekinthető a KUBIK FREE mini-honlapján.
Nagy büszkeség tölt el minket hogy a DALI bemutathatja a KUBIK FREE és KUBIK XTRA modelleket.
KUBIK FREE and KUBIK XTRA have been designed so that the sound integrates in the best possible way with any room. Both the driver materials and the geometry applied within the KUBIK system have been selected to achieve a wide dispersion pattern in the listening area.
This gives you the experience of a well-integrated sound, even when listening at a significant offaxis angle, and as you are rarely placed directly in front of the loudspeaker when listening to music, this is very important.
The wide dispersion characteristics also add to the flexibility of the KUBIK system, making it possible to hang or place it flush against the wall, or position it on a table in the middle of a room. Placement of the KUBIKs close to or against a wall is however recommended for optimum bass reproduction.
A crucial part of the DALI sonic definition is related to the use of the soft dome tweeter module. Optimised and enhanced over many years, the soft dome tweeter is built around a powerful ferrite magnet and very narrow magnet gap.
This type of magnet enables the KUBIK FREE + XTRA system to handle more power and helps disperse the heat generated around the fast moving voice coil quicker, thereby reducing power compression. This in turn allows the tweeter to reproduce high frequencies with higher accuracy, giving the KUBIK system an impressively detailed sound.
The KUBIK tweeter is constructed on the basis of an ultra light-weight weave fabric. Compared to most soft dome tweeters in the market the DALI dome material is less than half the weight.
The positioning of the tweeter front plate near the dome has been optimised to create the optimal working conditions for the soft dome. The aim is to combine an extended frequency response with wide dispersion and low coloration, and improve the integration of both the tweeter and the mid/bass driver.
When building a high quality speaker system, high quality components are an essential part. This is why DALI only use drivers designed in house that is specifically developed for the individual loudspeaker, and to match the DALI sound philosophies.
Using a glass reinforced polymer we created a lightweight but extremely strong chassis for the 5” woofer. The nonmagnetic chassis increases the flux density in the magnet gap by 10%, adding more power and control to the magnet motor system.
The cone is connected to the chassis using a DALI low-loss surround. This give the cone undamped movement and helps retain the fine details in the audio signal even at low volumes. The cone is made from a blend of wood fibre and paper pulp to give it a stiff, lightweight but well-behaving structure. Driving the wood fibre cone is a strong magnet motor system based around a four layer voice coil.
The decision to use a four layer voice coil is an important part of delivering the required sound pressure. Generating 17% more force than a two layer system, and 27% less electrical Q, it gives a significant improvement in control of the entire moving part of the system. To keep the voice coil light, a copper clad aluminium wire was used for the four layers. Using traditional copper wire would make the voice coil heavy, harder to control and therefore a tougher drive for the amplifier. A heavy voice coil can also cause massive loss of detail in sound reproduction. The combination of all of these low-loss technologies results in a serious improvement in bass control, reproduction of micro details, and greater transparency
The main housing is based on one piece of extruded aluminium. Aluminium is characterized by a stiffness approximately 15 – 20 times the value of MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) – the most frequently applied cabinet material for high quality speakers.
Therefore the aluminium gives us the opportunity to make the cabinet walls a lot thinner, than with traditional materials, and thereby gaining volume in a compact cabinet design. This can be done without losing the rigid structure, and ensures that all components can be fitted tightly onto the structure eliminating vibrations and unwanted resonances.
Besides strengthening the entire product, the aluminium also gives the cabinet a solid feel. The top of the KUBIK is crafted from the same aluminium and reveals the solid build of the KUBIK XTRA.
Using aluminium makes it possible to not only create a compact cabinet that will be easy to place in any room, but also giving the KUBIK XTRA a simple yet iconic look.