The Danish hi-fi magazine, Lyd & Billede has tested the DALI CALLISTO 2 C, which impresses the reviewer. Right from the start he highlights the sound, the bass and the convenience.
“DALI CALLISTO 2 C is easy to listen to in the sense that it does not require unnecessary attention,” he says. The speaker is not boring or retaining even though it first and foremost focuses playing music and not about highlighting or analyzing, and the CALLISTO 2 C “has a dynamic span and avoids fatigue, which is impressive at this price point. But it does not brag unnecessarily,” he explains.
Furthermore, according to the reviewer the active loudspeaker reproduces voices with a purity and homogeneity where no tone areas are particularly stressed. And he explains that “DALI CALLISTO does not go deeper in the bass than passive compact speakers. However, it does so with a strength and authority that you rarely find in passive speakers.”
Lyd & Billede's reviewer concludes that “CALLISTO 2 C delivers all the virtues, which we know from the company’s passive series, in combination with wireless convenience.” And he adds that “thanks to the built-in computer force, the CALLISTOs have a capability in the bottom that is not possible in traditional, passive speakers.” Furthermore, he says that the price is more than fair when considering that you get a complete system.
Read the full review in Danish here.