"What do loudspeakers an pastries have in common? Both often come from Denmark and succed only with the best ingredients. The EPICON 8 from DALI is therefore made only of top quality components."
The lines above are the very introduction to the review of the EPICON 8 made by "AUDIOphile" - and what an introduction it is. It is not often that pastries and loudspeakers are linked, but in this very article, the link makes good sense.
The full review of the EPICON focuses on the technical solutions behind the EPICON 8 and according to the author of the article, Wolfram Eifert, the EPICON 8 differs from other speakers in including [...] its design, from the terminal to the cabinet shape and internal damping all the way to the drive units, is thought through to an extent such as seen in only a very small number of speakers. Including some that cost considerably more."
With regards to the sound performance of the EPICON 8, it is simply outstanding: "AUDIOphile has rarely heard a speaker that in the high-frequency range sound as pure and free as the EPICON 8 [...]." This high-end speaker provides you with joy in the everyday as you can use this for both carefully selected music as well as music from the livelier side of life.
A great review naturally enough ends with a great saying from the author: "For me the EPICON 8 is one of the technically and acoustically moste interesting speakers of recent years."
The full review is available in the magazine "AUDIOphile" 1/2013 and here as a PDF in English.